Monday, 31 October 2011

The day Barack Obama almost had me arrested - Part V

When we touched down in Chicago, and were taxiing to our Arrival Gate, the Flight Attendant announced that Air Force One was with us.

I remember taking a photo, but I honestly don't know why. I guess I wanted proof to show people back home that I wasn't making it up, but Air Force One was a fair distance from us and the photo isn't that clear. I know it was there, so I guess that's all that matters.

Anyway, because I had been thrust into a rather silly mood because of the mix-up over my T-shirt, I thought I'd attempt to say something funny to the Flight Attendant about Barack Obama as I was getting off the plane.

"Obama's in town? That bastard still owes me money" was the first thing that emanated from my cold and wind-blown lips.

The Flight Attendant laughed and told me to have a nice day. What she actually said was "You have a nice day, you funny Aussie man."

I've been to Chicago 6 times in my life, and not once have I been outside the Terminal - I really should do that one day. Anyway, I had a couple of hours to kill so I went to get something to eat. I had put my vest back on, but it wasn't zipped up - it wasn't cold, but I didn't want to shove it into my carry-on luggage.

I remember going to a bar, because there were lots of people and there was an NBA game showing on the TVs. I ordered some food, and a refreshing amber liquid, then sat back and watched the game. Don't ask me who was playing, because I honestly don't remember. What I do remember was that the seat wasn't very comfortable, so I kept moving about trying to get into the sweet spot :) This went on for about 10 minutes, right up until my meal arrived. By then, I was pretty hungry so my butt comfort gave way to my stomach comfort.

I was about halfway through my meal when two security guards approached me.

(To be continued)

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